Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 - Janathon

What have I done? I spent the first few minutes of this mornings run in a swirl of negative thoughts telling my self I'd never be able to keep this up every day for a month. Thankfully by the time I got to 5 minutes these negative thoughts were replaced by the relief of being able to walk for a minute.

I bought the "Get Running" app for my iphone as I wanted someone else to work out a programme for me. However I haven't quite found the right level to start out. Today I ran for 5 mins, walked for 1.5 mins then ran for 3 mins, walked 1 min then ran 5mins.

Of course my run is someone else's slow jog but I am not going to worry about time, for the time being. So this weeks objective then is to run for 15 mins every day.

Tomorrow I am back to school and not sure If I can be up & out for 6am if I want to get the run done before school. Still - let's not start fretting about tomorrow yet. I am pleased I managed run 2 comfortably and even enjoyed it as the park looked so lovely in the sunshine. I need to find a way to shut up the negative voice in my head that is telling me it is such a tiny achievement I may as well not bother.

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